Fotos Frangoudes - Lead Engineer
Fotos Frangoudes is the lead engineer for Social Clues and a first year PhD student in Computer Science at USC. He is interested in serious games, with a focus on health and education. As part of USC Games Intelligence Lab, as well as the Creative Media and Behavior Health Center of USC, he has worked on a variety of projects spanning from a mixed reality exercise game (Skyfarer - SIGGRAPH 2013), to an MMO co-op research project, multiplayer shooter games, and mobile games. You can visit his personal webpage for more information (http://www-scf.usc.edu/~frangoud/).
Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia is a senior in Computer Science (Games) at USC and is a programmer in Social Clues. His main responsibilities on Social Clues include: player navigation, sprite/effects animations, creating and improving level/character selection screens as well as bug stomping and creation of puzzle pieces for one of the mini-games. He enjoys listening to videogame music and is susceptible of being jump scared by his peers when working.
Jonathan Hsu
Jonathan Hsu is a programmer on Social Clues and a second year Master's student in Computer Science at USC specializing in Game Development. One of his main assignments is creating and improving the Data Analytics screen, but has also contributed in other areas of development. He enjoys all aspects of games -- design, engineering, and playing!
Parth Patel
Parth is a programmer on Social Clues and a Graduate student in Computer Science (Games) at USC. He is responsible for Databases and Analytic part of Social Clues. Parth has designed and created framework for Database. He has also major part in creation of Menu system of Social Clues. His portfolio can be found at https://sites.google.com/site/parthbpatel86.
Katie Powell
Katie is a programmer and designer on Social Clues and a senior in Computer Science (Games) at USC. Her role on Social Clues is designing, implementing and polishing minigames. Katie has designed and developed a plethora of game projects and her personal games portfolio can be found at www.katiepowellgames.net. Aside from game development, Katie enjoys acting, lighting and sound design for the theatre and teaching.
David Zhang
David Zhang is a sophomore at USC studying computer science and game design. He is a tools engineer and bug stomper on SocialClues. His passions lie in indie flash games, indie pc games, indie music...pretty much anything weird and innovative. His influences are drawn from vague, story driven platformers like Journey. In his free time he likes to bike, watch YouTube, and search up new games and music. David can be reached at http://www.linkedin.com/in/zhangtdavid.